WP2 - Identification of novel bioactive molecules for stress responses

The objective of the WP2 is to identify active molecules on fruit using a model system for the screening. Fruit experience hypoxia during ripening, and hypoxia responsive genes are activated in fruit, demonstrating the fruit is sensitive to oxygen concentration. In addition, MA, DCA and ULO technologies use low or ultra-low oxygen concentration and low temperature to delay the ripening. These conditions induce oxidative stress which are known to altered fruit quality. The aim will be to identify active molecule increasing tolerance to hypoxia, cold stress and oxidative stress.


WP Leader : CSIC


INP Toulouse

6 allée Emile Monso - BP 34038

31029 Toulouse Cedex 4

Ouvert du lundi au vendredi

08h30-12h30 / 13h30-16h30

05 34 32 31 08